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Course Enrolment System: Instructions for Teaching Staff

Courses which are shown in the enrolment system are also set up in Moodle.

On the homepage of the enrolment system you will find a link in My Functions to My Lectures. By clicking on the notepad symbol on the left of the course title, you can edit information:

As in the sample format view below, select the tab Moodle:

The course should be available to you in Moodle by the following day of the entry at the latest.

Changes to the course overview made in the current semester appear in moodle within two days at the latest.

You will be directed straight to an overview of your courses upon signing into Moodle at

Students who have been registered on the course in the enrolment system are usually allocated a place on the course in moodle at the end of the enrolment deadline in an automatically digital process. Please do not register students yourself direct on a moodle course but only on enrolment system (if necessary).

  • lsf/manual/en/teacher/enrolment_system_course_moodle_course.1678953276.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2023/03/16 07:54
  • von uk