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wlan:eduroam_wifi_in_english [2022/12/15 14:33] – angelegt Der Setzerwlan:eduroam_wifi_in_english [2023/11/24 11:31] (aktuell) uk
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Eduroam for Windows 10 ====== +====== Education Roaming - Eduroam ======
-Open the overview of available networks and select eduroam by clicking it: +
-{{ :wlan:1_eduroam_win10_de.png?direct |}}+
-Select the Connect command: +[[https://www.eduroam.org/what-is-eduroam|Education Roaming (Eduroam)]] obtains world-wide roaming access for the international research and education community. Eduroam allows ASH students, teachers and staff Internet connection locally and when visiting other participating institutions.
-{{ :wlan:1_eduroam_win10_de.png?direct |}}+
-In the subsequent registration prompt enter your ASH user name, followed by @ash-berlin.eu, and your ASH password: +How to register to eduroam and connect to the WiFi of the ASH see here:
-{{ :wlan:3_eduroam_win10_de.png?direct |}}+
-Confirm, if necessarythat eduroam is there and that you want to connect to the network:  +To login use your ASH login. Your username will be extended with **@ash-berlin.eu**example**00012345@ash-berlin.eu** rsp. **millera@ash-berlin.eu**.  
-{{ :wlan:4_eduroam_win10_de.png?direct |}}+ 
 +Choose your operating system: 
 +  * [[wlan:windows_10_en|Windows 10]] 
 +  * [[wlan:linux_en|Linux]] 
-If the login is successful, it will be displayed that you are now connected to eduroam: 
-{{ :wlan:5_eduroam_win10_de.png?direct |}} 
-With a successful connection you can now use all services (email, Internet).  
  • wlan/eduroam_wifi_in_english.1671114803.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2022/12/15 14:33
  • von Der Setzer