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Enrolment system for students

The following instructions apply for Social Work B.A. only for Direktbelegung of courses and change of courses. For the whole process of enrolment into courses Social Work B.A. please note the information on the German website.

At the beginning of the semester students have to enrol on the desired courses in the electronic enrolment system (rsp. students of Social Work have to enrol on the courses chosen during the manual enrolment procedure).

The current enrolment periods for individual degree programmes can be found on the home page of the Course Overview.

Attendance on courses is confirmed at the end of the semester by the teaching staff with an electronic confirmation of participation and counts as official completion of the course.

Choose the course you wish to enrol on from the Course Overview.


Click on the link apply/cancel application on the right beside the course. The following image appears:

Click into the box near apply and on the apply button to enrol on the course.

A confirmation will be shown:

If you click on the link apply/cancel application on the right next to a course you have enrolled on:

you will see the following:

You can cancel enrolment on a course you have selected by clicking into the box near cancel application and on the button cancel application at the bottom of the page:

You get a confirmation and can go back by clicking on the button back to selection:

You can enrol and cancel applications for enrolments at any time during the enrolment period. After the end of the enrolment period, registration/cancellation of enrolment of students can only be carried out by the corresponding teaching staff.

If you would like to change a course after the enrolment period, please contact the teaching staff in question. In the case of parallel courses, you must first be unsubscribed from one course in order to be entered into a parallel group. If both teachers approve the change, the unsubscribing teacher can carry out the change themselves. Students must submit the approval in writing.

  • lsf/manual/en/enrol_cancel_application_to_enrol_on_courses.1684339567.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2023/05/17 16:06
  • von uk