
Enrolment system for students

Click on My Reports - Lectures.

Here you can set up and print off a PDF-file of your enrolments to date:

Under the column Sta (for Status) on the right you will see what your current status is on the course:

  • ZU (zugelassen) means that you have been accepted.
  • TE (teilgenommen) means that the lecturer has confirmed your successful participation.
  • WH (wiederholen) means that you did not participate enough in the course and need to repeat it.
  • SP (Stundenplan) means, that you have entered potential courses into the timetable.

Courses which have been marked with SP are only pre-scheduled. You are not enrolled on these courses!

  • lsf/manual/en/my_reports.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2023/05/17 15:55
  • von uk